30 October 2007

Happy (Almost) Halloween

My friend with the dentist husband and I were discussing Halloween last week. At her house, they're giving out toothpaste to trick-or-treaters. They must. It's part of the Dentist's Oath. And I must become a spinster with fifty cats. I had to promise before they would give me my master's degree.

When I was growing up, there were certain houses on the trick-or-treating circuit that always distributed the same things. The Dentist gave us tooth brushes and The House You Have to Go to First Before They Run Out had full-size candy bars and the McKeen House had homemade popcorn balls that were only received after reciting a poem or riding on a broom around the kitchen or doing a trick. But the best house. The house to be visited right after the full-size candy bar house, was the Wonder Bread house. The man who lived there worked for Wonder Bread and LOVED Wonder Bread and shared Wonder Bread with the neighborhood every year. His mail box was painted like a loaf of Wonder Bread and he and his wife gave out little, child-sized, individual loaves of Wonder Bread.

A tiny loaf of bread was a special treat o' my dreams for several reasons. One of the main reasons was because we didn't eat white bread in my house. I had to visit the neighbors to eat fiber-free bread. And, the other important reason, it was child-sized! I took my loaf home and I played house with it on my child-sized toy dishes until I couldn't stand it anymore and cut the loaf into as many pieces as possible (to make it be MORE) before devouring it.

Those neighbors racked up some seriously good karma.


Anonymous said...

I hope no kids come to our house this year, because we didn't buy any candy.

If they come, we'll have to give them cans of tuna.

Amy said...

I've never heard of tiny loaves of bread!

I bought the Sam's Club bag of my favorite kinds a couple of weeks ago, and then the YM had their fall break party here. So I'd better buy more candy, eh?

MBC said...

Emily--Tuna is still better than Smarties.

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