The girls are currently in a gift giving phase, which is how I ended up with this artwork. Every time I visit, they slip broken plaster hearts and paper dolls and princess drawings into my pockets.
Sometimes they also meet me at the door and, without taking a breath for five straight minutes, tell me everything they've learned since I last saw them, sing me a song, and tell me all about the fascinating clothes they're wearing. Yesterday they showed me the "shells" my sister had fashioned for them out of diaper liners and ribbons, so they could be mermaids. They LOVE mermaids.
Madame 3-yr-old told me recently that she'd like to invite a mermaid to dinner. The logistics on that one seem awkward to me, so no mermaids made it onto my dinner party list. These lovely people are included on my imaginary dinner party list, though:
Kermit the Frog - Does anyone NOT want to meet Kermit the Frog? He's so nice. And I like his little legs.
Haven Kimmel - I'd have to really work hard not to mention every 2 minutes that I love A Girl Named Zippy.
Haven: Could you please pass the pie?
MBC: I just love A Girl Named Zippy.
Haven: And could I have some more milk?
MBC: Especially the part about the Shriners and the bike. I love that part. I tried to read it out loud when I was booktalking at a library event, but I couldn't because I started laughing too hard.
Haven: I think Kermit the Frog is choking on his dessert!
MBC: Man, that's one good book you wrote.
The Raven Master at the Tower of London - He led the tour of the Tower I took with the Supreme Coordinatrix last year and was VERY amusing. I still have a lot of questions I didn't ask, though. Starting with those Royal Guard hats. What's the deal with those? Why so tall?
Laurie Colwin - It would be especially nice if she brought a pan of her gingerbread with her.
1 comment:
You crack me up. I love the 'zippy' conversation. Now I want to read it.
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