My mom makes fun of me for anonymizing (I just made up that word. I think it works.) my blog pictures by doctoring people's eyes. She thinks I should just post pictures and not worry about who sees them. It's good that she feels this way, since I don't change
pictures of her before posting them online. She fails to recognize, though, that 1) Cutting out the eyes completely eliminates any red eye problems 2) If you work with the public a lot and daily chat with men who tell you that you have pretty eyes, explain how they developed their x-ray vision, and then head off to trawl the web for mail order brides, you strive for a sense of anonymity, even if it's a false sense of anonymity, when posting personal information online. Which is why I gave myself sunglasses in the following photo from Stratford. And I gave everyone else sunglasses, because I didn't ask any of them how they feel about having their pictures online.
You can find lots of pictures of Michael (and other Festival actors) online at the Utah Shakespearean Festival's site, so he probably doesn't need anonymizing, but I gave him sunglasses too, so he wouldn't feel left out. I have no idea who those two women on the far right are. I assume that they were with our group, since they're in this picture, but I don't remember ever seeing them in England, including on this day.
This is Shakespeare's (assumed) birthplace. Note that there are flowers in bloom. Then ask me about the ice covering every inch of my car at the moment. Then watch me weep and reach for my dwindling supply of Ferrero Rocher.
I do have to say that I actually like the sunglasses look much better than the black box over the eyes look. Very classy. I wonder how many fun types of sunglasses you can make for people on your blog. Maybe that should be a new hobby or something.
But you have mountains! I'm coming in February to see my grandparents--perhaps we can meet up?
So I didn't know that you got to hang out with Michael--like travel with him and stuff. I am so jealous.
If you zoom in on the picture of your parents you can see you taking the picture in your dad's sunglasses reflection. I need to get back to work... can you tell I am avoiding it??
Alice--I only gave us sunglasses because I don't know how to do the black boxes with my new open source image software.
Chou--Come and see me!
Yankee Girl--Oh, yeah. When I think about it, I'm jealous of myself.
Annie--You would make an excellent crazy stalker lady.
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