This is me on the Wobbly Bridge in front of St. Paul's Cathedral on New Year's Eve around 12:15 am. You probably can't see it, but there's a Christmas tree lit up in front of the cathedral and the guys walking past me are wearing crazy hats. I am, in fact, wearing my favorite boots. If I'd known how much I'd be walking on New Year's, I'd have worn different footwear, though. (They're blister-producing boots.)

The next day I was so exhausted that in the middle of the V&A, I grabbed a guard and demanded that he find me somewhere to sit down IMMEDIATELY. (Actually, demanded might be too strong a word. I politely requested directions to the nearest bench, because I didn't think the museum staff would be down with me napping on the Great Bed of Ware.)
St. Paul's in Daylight

A few more details about my New Year's Eve--
Number of people I saw vomit in the street: 1
Number of police officers consulted for directions to St. Paul's: 4
Time it took to walk/run to the cathedral: 45 minutes (we got there one minute late, so we were walking up the nave just as the clergy entered)
Number of times I feared we would be trampled to death by a crowd: 3
Number of people in the streets: 12 billion (I saw on the news the next day that the official count was 700,000)
Number of people in the streets who were drunk: 11.75 billion
Number of fireworks I saw over the Thames: .75 (We went down to the bridge to see the fireworks, but there was a building between us and the London Eye, so we only saw the sparks that made it past the edges of the building.)
Number of times I thought, "Yay, London!": 12 billion
MBC, your trip sounds fantastics. It makes my heart happy to know you were in London on New Year's Eve.
So. Jealous. Repressing urge to steal your passport and bank account and leave a few children for a couple of weeks.
Amy-Console yourself with the knowledge that you'll have kids to take care of you in your old age, while I'm living in a train station.
oh, I forgot you were going to London over the holidays. That is so awesome! It reminds me of the movie 'the holiday' except no Jude Law unfortunately. But I'm glad you enjoyed yourself:-)
I am so proud of you for staying up past 10 pm! :)
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