18 March 2008

Birthday 1, Birthday 2

My brother's birthday is next week. He and his wife went to Italy to celebrate.

My birthday's in a few months. It's a big one.

Here's where I'm going on MY birthday: work.

I might be really good to myself and leave work early that day.

So I can go grocery shopping during the day when the grownups are working at the store and can successfully direct me to the polenta.

It will be a special day.


Moo said...

My plans for my big birthday are the same as yours--Work! How exciting for us, huh? Don't worry, you'll go to Italy one day.

MBC said...

Our birthdays are close. We should get together and you can tell me about YOUR trip to Italy.

JAMES said...

I am home from the aforesaid trip and now that it is REALLY my birthday...I am also at work. My work entails me eating hershey kisses and posting to your blog, but its work, nonetheless...Aside: I ate nirvana enducing gnocchi on this trip...

MBC said...

Hmmm, I feel slightly appeased that you're not actually in Europe on your b-day, (Happy Birthday!) but don't talk to me about gnocchi or I may have to hate you.

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