20 April 2008

Because I'm Smart (Again)

We have a new Italian restaurant in the area and it is delightful. I like Italian food but I don't usually like Italian restaurants. They tend toward bland, plastic-y pasta and a gimmicky atmosphere. This new restaurant, though, is an independent place owned and operated by a family from Florence. I love their homemade gnocchi. It is so soft. I think it's made by little Italian fairies and elves in some back room. Who sing songs while they work. And fill every bit of pasta goodness with LOVE. Kind of a magical Santa's workshop for Italian food.

Saturday night I had dinner with friends from work at this restaurant. When our food arrived, one of my co-workers ate a few bites and commented that this was the kind of food to savor and enjoy slowly. I nodded in agreement as I shoveled heaping forkfuls of gnocchi into my face. We waited half an hour to be seated and I was meeting someone to see a movie at 8:30 in the next town over. By the time we got our food, it was nearly 8:00. I wolfed down my pillowy soft pasta, made arrangements for someone else to pay my bill so I could leave quickly, and dashed out of the restaurant. As I was driving to my meeting place and wondering why I'd agreed to see a movie so soon after dinner, I suddenly realized that I had not. I realized that my movie didn't start at 8:30. It started at 9:30. Oops. I should have savored.


Chou said...

Aww. I hope the movie was good.

Courtney said...

I object to you telling us about this new Italian restaurant and not telling us the name!

Anonymous said...

MBC, you make me wish I lived with you so I could also savour elf-made pasta.

MBC said...

Chou--It was pretty good. Be Kind, Rewind with Jack Black.

Yankee Girl--I'll email the name of the restaurant to you.

Stephanie--Did the Supreme Coordinatrix tell you that we're coming to visit next month? When we do, we can go savor a meal together. Although, I don't think they have elf-made anything in Texas.

Anonymous said...

The Supreme Coordinatrix told me that she was coming, but she didn't mention anyone else. We will definetly have to savour something together. Although there won't be anything elf-made, there could be something Chupacabra made.

joanna said...

Hey, is the great new restaurant you are talking about near my house perchance?? I want to go! I wonder if they have take out...

MBC said...

Joanna, why yes, it is near your house and they do have take out.

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