30 January 2009

Not That It Will Do You Any Good Right Now

I have a friend from high school whose wife created a program that converts blogs into HTML files that can be easily converted to pdf/book form. The program you download and very user-friendly instructions are available on her blog blogs2books. A couple of days after I started using the program (and by started using the program, I mean emailed my Dad and said, Hey, make this work for me, please), a message appeared on the blog saying it's temporarily down. You can tuck this option away for later, though, because if you have a blog and you're like me and essentially stopped keeping any real record of your life once you started blogging even though your blog doesn't actually record all that much about your daily activities or feelings (except for feelings of rage toward patrons and feelings of joy toward chocolate) or much at all about your private life, backing up your blog in print is a fan-tastic idea. Besides, one day Google might change their company motto and decide that they will be evil and then who knows what will become of your blog.


Rebekah said...

i was telling my sister about the wonders of picassa a few weeks ago and she said, 'what's going to happen when google turns evil and takes over the world?'

it's coming.

Antho said...

Thanks for advertising for us! I'm sure Heidi will be excited that the word is getting around.

Anonymous said...

For my birthday a friend did the work to turn a year of my blog into a keepable file in cd. It was so thoughtful. Thanks for the info because I probably can't ask her to do it again.

MBC said...

Rebekah--It's true. One day they'll be the establishment instead of the idealistic youngsters and they'll charge us for all our lovely free services and implant feeds into our brains and stuff. I'm pretty sure.

Anthony--You're so welcome. It's a great program.

Eliana--That would be a nice gift.

Alyssa Rock said...

When will the best of Slanted be available for purchase? Can I sign up for an advance copy? :P

Chou said...

I've been thinking about the reality of that whole losing my blog. Mostly because I have one that is an assignment for a class, and I don't want it to disappear. Backup baby!

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