We enjoyed delicious sushi for dinner.
E(6) refused to eat any at all. M(4) used her chopsticks to extract all the meat from the middles and ignored the vegetables, rice, and seaweed.
I think Tuey was dipping his in soy sauce and then sucking the soy sauce off.
I love German Chocolate Cake for my birthday. German Chocolate Cake or Italian Cream Cake are the two most festive cakes in my book. My sister makes them both very well. (And she's very kind to make any cake at all, particularly since she's making a purple pony cake for M(4) on Tuesday and Marmot Babe's birthday is on Saturday.)
I ate far too much and had to lie on the floor and moan for about 20 minutes after the meal. M(4) very sweetly joined me and snuggled up with me, seemingly undisturbed by my groaning.
Eventually we went outside (where I could lie in the grass and regret those last few sushi selections). Doesn't Marmot Babe have great toes?
happy birthday ms. It was very busy at our house too. The twins had a party at a gymnastics place and Keek was buried in a foam pit. They loved it. Wish you could have been there. we sang to you at the time.
Happy Birthday! And sushi is the best way to celebrate.
I'm glad you had a good birthday spent with family and cute little marmots!! And I'm especially glad you got to have your beloved German Chocolate cake! :)
Happy Birthday! Your celebration sounds delicious. That German chocolate cake picture is making me salivate with envy.
Happy Birthday! Glad you got to celebrate before going over to Europe--would have been very sad to have had your special day alone on a train in some foreign country unless of course there was a cute guy sitting next to you who when finding out it was your birthday and you were alone would drop all his plans and spend the day lavishing you with good food and pretty sights; you should try that one if you are a on a train alone with a cute guy sitting next to you.
John--Thanks for singing to me! I wish I could have been there, too.
Janssen--Thank you! Sushi really is the best way to celebrate. I don't eat it enough.
Annie--Thanks! I'm glad I got my cake too. What will I do when my sister's not around to make it?
EP--Thanks! (Hope you're doing well!)
Yankee Girl--That is such an inspired idea. Must start compiling a list of European Man Seduction Practices.
'appy birthday. Also, JWC, happy birthday to the twins. If/when I come out this summer I'll bring them some things to open/destroy.
Happy belated birthday! Good luck getting ready for the trip...
baby in a truck! so cute. and he looks like a little tom sawyer.
happy birthday!
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