We (mostly Steve) built a cold frame this weekend out of junk we found around the allotment. Steve did all of the sawing and drilling and using of pliers. I did all of the plexiglass steadying and all of the bolt fastening and all of the wandering off to weed the raspberries.

We're going to plant it full of delicious salad ingredients.

And then the slugs will attempt a takeover.
But we will prevail.
I hope.
If you remember, leave out shallow pans of beer for the slugs. They will fall in and die. Then you will win. Mom
And the best part they'll thank you for the drink. Being Scottish slugs you best use stout ale and an old sneaker. That way they'll think they are at soccer match. :)
How very resourceful of (mostly Steve)!
It seems cruel to me now, but when I was a kid in Oregon, my siblings and I would grab the salt shaker and sprinkle the slugs we found in our yard. Then we watched them shrivel up and die. It did look pretty cool.
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