Recently, we came into possession of a pressure cooker. Steve loves it. He wants to cook everything in it. He wants to own a complete set with different sized pots. He wants to take our family picture with the pressure cooker on his knee. I am less fond of our new gadget. It makes me nervous. I'm convinced the hissing noise indicates an impending explosion and the little spinning bit on the top looks like a penguin to me. A wicked penguin. Steve claims that the penguin is friendly and that he spins around because he's doing a happy dance, but I have my doubts.
Look at that!
Remind you of anyone?

Mary Beth,
I think I may have bothered you before with questions about a trip I planned to the teeth...and then did not take. Well, I'm at it again and this time our destination is Turkey. If one had 4 days or so to spend in Turkey, where would you recommend to concentrate our efforts?
I am always happy to give bossy travel advice, even for trips that are not taken. Oooh, only four days. My favorite places in Turkey were Istanbul and Cappadocia. They're about 9 hours away from one another driving, so I don't know if you would want to try to hit both in one short trip, but if you did, you could stop and see Ankara and some other sites along the way (the whole country's bursting with historical sites). No matter where you go, I highly recommend whirling dervishes, a turkish bath, and eating as much as humanly possible. Oh, one more thing--when it comes to Rick Steves, I'm a true believer, but I was disappointed in his Istanbul guidebook. There were some problems with it, so I would consult it along with another Istanbul guide to fill in the gaps. Let me know if you have other questions.
I have been scared of pressure cookers since hearing stories about 70's version ones exploding and maiming people. I hope that doesn't happen to either of you. Todd loves our fryer. I don't think I have ever used it.
Ha ha--wicked penguin. That's great.
You are so funny. I love it. I'm sad I never get to see you anymore.
ROFL!!! Oh my - that is SO Steve-like. I think it's his engineer mind - it needs gadgets.
I am equally afraid of the penguin.
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