21 July 2010

Walk This Way, Part 3

I like to take walks. I've discovered while in Nova Scotia that being in the car for very long makes me extremely antsy and that then I must take a walk soon or I get mean and grouchy and start muttering under my breath. I have previously described walks with my mother and my sister. This is how a walk goes down with Steve. Imagine it with lots of mosquito slapping.

MBC: What if I had a webbed hand?

Steve: You could have the webbing surgically removed.

MBC: But I wouldn't want the webbing removed because I could do amazing things with a webbed hand.

Steve: You could just get webbed gloves for the times when you felt you needed webbed hands.

MBC: No! If I had a webbed hand and I was strolling along the beach and I saw a swimmer in distress, I could immediately jump in and swim speedily to his rescue with my amazing webbed hand.

I don't think a webbed hand would make you that much faster.

He also shot down my ideas for a hook hand and an Inspector Gadget-style extendo hand.

Can you believe some people?


Anonymous said...

Hey I'm all for the extendo hand, it would have come in very handy in any one of my past careers.


Anonymous said...

You cannot hold hands with webbed hands. At least you cannot link hands. Mom

MBC said...

KWB--I agree.

Mom--Steve says a hook hand would also be unholdable.

Anonymous said...

That reminds of an episode of Dr. Quinn...

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