14 December 2007

Christmas Favorites

These are some of my favorite Christmas books and movies.

An obvious choice. A classic.

Except for the fact that this is set at Christmas, it's not really Christmasy. I love it, though. Dennis Morgan is a special Christmas treat.

I made my sister and Marmot Dad watch this the year it came out on DVD. They were not nearly as impressed as they should have been. It's a true thing that the ending gets all schwarmy and gaggingly heartfelt, but Will Ferrell makes an amazingly good elf. Sometimes when we're closing the library at night, I like to sing on my walkie-talkie, "I'm in the library and I'm siiiinging!"

This book was first published about 25 years ago. Amy Dacyczyn recommends it in The Tightwad Gazette, a book I love. I think it's a really practical approach to celebrating Christmas and not at all reminiscent of some of the simplify-your-life, pay-me-lots-of-money-to-tell-you-how-to-live-your-life books that make me crave a sharp instrument to slam in the author's ear. Not at all.

Other favorites?


Annie M. said...

Oh, MBC, how could you forget "While You Were Sleeping?" Remember when we watched it like 50 times during finals week our freshman year? :) "He's in a coma!" "On Christmas DAY!!!???"

MBC said...

"Mary mashed 'em." I could never forget. This is a very abbreviated list. I actually have that one checked out from the library at my house RIGHT NOW. Jack's pants look more unfortunate every year, but I continue to feel the special joy of Christmas when I watch that movie.

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