04 December 2007

Happy Work Anniversary

I started my current job four years ago today. Commemorate the moment in your heart.

I will commemorate it by telling you about an interaction with a little boy (about 9 years old) that a friend reminded me of recently.

Little Boy: I want a book about dragons.

MBC: What kind of book? Fiction or nonfiction?

Little Boy: What do fiction and nonfiction mean?

MBC: Fiction books are stories and nonfiction books are true--they're factual.

Little Boy (patiently and slowly, with pity for the librarian; in the manner of someone breaking the news to a small child about Santa Claus): Well, you KNOW, dragons aren't real. So, I think I need fiction.

I sent him to nonfiction.


Amy said...

Out of spite? Or are there really books about dragons in the non-fiction section?

Four years is a LONG TIME! I've never had a job that long.

MBC said...

What kind of librarian do you take me for? All the mythology about dragons is nonfiction.

Four years IS a long time. It's the longest I've ever stayed at a job.

Chou said...

Congratulations! I made it five in my last one and now have no idea what will happen next. :)

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