24 January 2008

Gross Incompetence

I'm in charge of the Library's periodicals collection. Sometimes this is a good thing, because I get to decide that we need to start subscribing to Every Day with Rachael Ray and Cooking for 2. And I discover important things like my great love for the magazine Dwell. And I know exactly when new magazines are available to check out before the masses take them home and cut out all the articles I want to read. Because magazine readers are stealers. Especially the readers of Mother Earth News. You'd think people who care about the earth would also care about public libraries, but they don't. How am I supposed to build a corncob house powered entirely by the sun and invite Barbara Kingsolver to my home to raise turkeys and garden, if patrons keep destroying our copies of Mother Earth News?

People interested in astrology are also stealers. I was helping two people look for astrology books the other day. Not surprisingly, every single one of our astrology books was either checked out or missing. Mostly missing. I was explaining that those books frequently go missing, and the patrons gave me a look that might have been an expression of their disbelief at the inconsideration of other people, but I think was actually an expression of remorse that they weren't going to get the chance to steal from us themselves that day.

Anyway, periodicals. The BAD part about handling periodicals is that my main job function in relation to periodicals at the moment is to call the distributor of the two major Utah newspapers EVERY DAY and complain that we haven't received our papers. We've only received our newspapers (our DAILY newspapers) 3 days this month. THREE DAYS. And two of those days, we received the wrong number of newspapers. Are you kidding me?! If your job is to deliver newspapers and you only deliver them 3 times in a month, why aren't you fired? How much worse at your job do you have to be?


Moo said...

At least you get the newspapers. As of the beginning of this month, these two major newspapers refuse to deliver to those of us living in the middle of nowhere. Reading the newspaper WAS the highlight of our day.

By the way, I failed the word verification because where the "word was supposed to be", it just said "Word Verification" in normal type.

Alice said...

Wow. Is it February? It really sounds like it. Life is not easy it is hard! I still think you are nice, just to let you know if I have not said it in a while! :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I only showed up to my job 3 times next month if anyone would notice. . . .

Annie M. said...

What is it about newspapers? We had to cancel our subscription too when we PAID for it and never got the paper.

EP said...

Wouldn't newspapers want to deliver to libraries? It's great publicity! Many people read the newspaper in the library. And, if people like a particular newspaper enough maybe, just maybe, they will subscribe to it themselves and stop coming to the library. See - it's a win-win situation. The newspaper gets more money and the librarians get to deal with less disgruntled newspaper loving patrons! :)

Anonymous said...

really you would be shocked what people will steal. Also, have you seen some of the people that deliver news papers. I think we should all be greatful that they made it the three times they did. But that is ogden it could be different there.

MBC said...

I'm sure you'll all be ecstatic to know that we got our newspapers this morning. And then we got them again about an hour later. That's right- now I have to call and complain that we're getting too many papers.

Moo-Will they mail them to you?

Alice-Thanks pal.

Emily--Try it.

Annie--I have heard many, many tales of bad paper delivery recently. We should form a club.

EP--Hey there! Are you in an MLS program now?

John--I'm pretty sure stealing is a popular pastime in most places, but Ogden seems like it would be particularly good at theft.

Chou said...

So is it also offensive to the librarians if I occasionally run off with one of the pages of coupons (not the whole packet, just a page) in the Sunday paper? On Wednesday?

Rebekah said...

it isn't stealing. i pay my taxes.

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