26 February 2008

A Day in the Life of a Reference Librarian

We're conducting a reference tally at work right now, which means that we keep track of all the interactions we have at the reference desk. Because of this, I know that today in the five hours I spent on the desk, I answered 84 questions. Reference tallies attempt to quantify the work that's done on the desk, but they don't accurately reflect what's accomplished, because there aren't spaces to record how many times we have to tell someone to take his cell phone out of the quiet area or that ponies aren't allowed in the library or that if he keeps stealing the office supplies off the desk, I'm going to staple his hands together with that stapler he keeps taking. And librarians are usually working on several projects at the desk and having crazy conversations with patrons--like the one I heard my co-worker having yesterday with a man who was asking her if she goes to Asian shops to find clothes that fit her (she's small) and the one I had with a woman about subliminal mind control (you always have to watch out for it, she informed me)--so we're usually busier than the stats might indicate. So, here are a few stats and a little extra information about the life of a reference librarian.

A Selection of Today's Patron Interactions

Find or direct patrons to the following materials:
"Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" performed by Jesse McCartney
The Weight Loss Solution
Dandelion Wine
Total Money Makeover
No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency
The Wizard of Ooze
Eclipse (2)
Merit Badge books
Reviving Ophelia
Any book about Stephen L. Richards
Tax Forms
Fiction books about ballroom dancing
Young adult fiction that features characters with disabilities
Mariposa Barbie movie

Find the following information for patrons:
Local English classes
Local job sources
GED classes
Contact information for the county court
The order of Jennifer Chiaverini's series
Tenant/landlord legal forms

Help patrons with the following services:
Logging onto the computers (18)
Purchasing headphones (3)
Using the computers (3)
Reserving study rooms (4)
Posting information on our community board (2)
Updating patron information (3)

Discuss the following with co-workers while on the desk:
-Why is a 2001 Tonga guidebook is selling for $100
-Who is the poet John Ciardi
-Are the men chosen to play the Cullens in the movie adaptation of Twilight attractive and/or vampire-like
-The new anxiety dream involves a phone call from Donald Trump, not just nudity
-How to contact Summer Reading Program sponsors
-Potential benefits of a giant sun lamp for the reference desk
-My co-worker's dating life
-People in San Antonio are nice

Work on the following projects in between helping patrons:
-Accept/reject donations for my collections (reject self-published medical books, accept gingerbread cookbook)
-Shakespeare reading map - celebrate that I have finally found a full-length drawing of Shakespeare so that my graphic design woes will end
-Purchase new cake decorating books and soup cookbooks
-Finish Teen Tech Week flier
-Update Award-Winning Teen Books booklist

Tomorrow I don't work the reference desk at all. Happy day.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what it says about my life that I am riveted by your reference day. Maybe I need to answer more random questions. Thanks for the glimpse into a secret society of librarians.

Anonymous said...

I'm very intrigued by the self-published medical books. What areas do these books cover?

Maybe I'll write one (and publish it, of course)in my spare time just to see if you'll reject it.

Anonymous said...

Deep sigh. Sometimes, I really want to be a librarian. Why try to cram history down the throats of recalcitrant high school students when you can discuss subliminal mind control? :-)

Chou said...

Snort. No, they do NOT look like vampires. Jonathan Rhys Meyers looks like a vampire. Cedric or whatever he's going by just looks like a nice guy who might play polo.

MBC said...

Eliana--I was actually feeling bad that it wasn't a more interesting day, so glad you enjoyed it anyway.

Emily--Most of the self-published medical books are natural (read: crazy--"stand close to your refrigerator, drink pomegranate juice, sing a patriotic song") cures for diabetes or chronic pain. I'd really like you to write one about some type of surgery, though.

Anonymous--Why, indeed?

Chou--You are right. Cedric Diggory does not look like a vampire. I did think that the non-Edward men looked pretty vampiry, though--more aloof and other worldly or something.

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