11 March 2008


I just got off the phone with my brother who is in graduate school to get his library degree. He's taking a young adult literature class, so we were talking about young adult books and the people in his classes, who he informs me are nerds. This is not a surprise. The majority of librarians are nerds. I don't think most people who have attended a library conference would dispute this. Here's the thing: I love nerds. Nerds are fantastic, because they're interested in things outside of themselves. They love math or music or books or something. I had a friend in graduate school who was the prototypical nerd. He was studying hydrogeology, and he was in love with rocks (he and my mom would get along). It's true that he could be socially awkward, but I'd way rather hang out with him than socially savvy people without interests (I guess some people manage to fall in the middle, right?). I think curiosity and passion for information are desirable traits. But then I'm a librarian.


Anonymous said...

You are wise and insightful and so full of truth. There are much worse things than being nerdy. I have come to terms with it more and more, mostly when I am with idiots and see the alternative.

JAMES said...

Ummmm, I wasn't saying nerds are bad or something. As I mentioned, several times, four of my fingers were pointing back at me in that appraisal. Furthermore, I heard that nerds (or the socially awkward) make better mates because savvy people are chameleons and their true selves are never manifest.

MBC said...

I know you weren't saying nerds are bad and that you included yourself in the nerd herd (which is interesting because you and SK are the hippest people in our family). Your comments on nerds just got me thinking about my deep and abiding love for nerds.

Once in college, a friend came over on a Friday night and found me at home studying Russian. He was so concerned for me and my nerdishness, that he and his roommate took me "husband shopping" later the next week. They took me to do this shopping in the library, which just goes to (further) show what nerds we all were.

Anonymous said...

Well said, MBC.
The spouse and I have had a few discussions about why I don't think of "nerd" as a derogatory term.

Next time it comes up, I'll direct him here.

Anonymous said...

I think that, as nerds, we should all have tee-shirts, or maybe hats, that say "Nerd Pride". Other groups get to have a group identity and proclaim their undying love for the group in very public ways-why not nerds?

Rebekah said...

i agree about the nerd thing. people don't understand why i love them, but it's because they are so passionate about the very thing that makes them nerds. i love it. they aren't boring, and by and large, i think nerds are happier, and therefore live longer. to nerds!

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