17 June 2008

How Bad My Lawn Is

Not to dwell on the lawn or anything, but it does look quite unfortunate and then yesterday this happened: there was a knock at the door (I know, this always seems to be a problem at my home), and I answered it to find a man I'd never seen before standing on my porch.

Stranger: Hey. How are you?
MBC: I'm fine. Thanks.
Stranger: So, I just thought I'd stop by and see how you are.
MBC (silently in head): Do you think we know one another? Because we don't. You don't look even a little bit familiar to me. And you're not selling anything, because it's Sunday and there's a baby in the stroller on the walk.
Stranger: Because I thought maybe you were an old woman living here and needed help mowing your lawn or something.

On the one hand, I'm actually pretty impressed that I have neighbor who would stop by and make sure I'm not infirm and in need of assistance (I DO need assistance with the stupid lawn!). On the other hand, my lawn is so sad that strangers come to the door to discuss it.


Rebekah said...

ha ha, you dork. mow your lawn lady! oh, mbc, i miss ye.

MBC said...

I CAN'T mow my lawn. It doesn't work for me, but I do plan to pull out the ol' weed wacker tonight.

I miss you, too. Especially now that I'm 30 and not funny anymore.

Amy said...

We don't ever have to mow our lawn because it's so dead it doesn't grow. However, if we ever get around to cutting down the overgrown juniper bushes ringing our front lawn, the HOA will bust us.

MBC said...

Amy--I'm surprised my lawn grows. I don't water it. It's kind of crunchy. But it grows like you wouldn't believe. Probably because it's made up of weeds. They're hardy.

Anonymous said...

Not funny? Cause this post was hilarious. I don't know. You could play up on the helpless single female role and win you some free pity service. Unfortunately, that never really worked for me.

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