10 July 2008

Bad Birthday Karma

So, I'm not very good at remembering birthdays. I always intend to be, but I'm not. This was brought home to me today when the Ceramic Genius came to the library. We were chatting about how she stays home now (she's having a baby any day) and needs projects to entertain herself. And then she mentioned that she got a sewing machine on her birthday. On Tuesday. Two days ago. It's fairly bad that I forgot her birthday (which I absolutely did) even though I just saw her and talked to her about her birthday on Saturday. It's worse that I called her on her birthday and forgot her birthday. We talked about cloth diapers and a trip to England and a number of non-birthday related topics. Bad Birthday Karma. Very Bad. I'm going to start working on a lovely handmade gift for the next person I know with a birthday. I'm thinking I should knit a sweater out of my own hair or something. And then I'll probably go back to my regular birthday habits and send people birthday cards three months late. If they're lucky.


Marcene Perry said...

I'm not that bad, but I'm close! A lot of people I know that their birthday is coming up, but can't remember the exact day. For example, my mother! Growing up my mom and grandma's birthdays were in the same month, as well as mother's day. So for the longest time I couldn't remember if my mom's birthday was the 27th or 28th. My OWN mother's birthday I couldn't remember!!! So I would call her on both days to make sure I didn't miss it :)

Chou said...

Um, sorry for the lack of blog love recently. School happened in a major way. Yes! Come visit! Hopefully we'll actually be living somewhere other than the YMCA by that point, but no matter. I promise to have already scouted out at least 5 cupcakeries for self-fattening and such. :)

Alice said...

I am totally shocked. I thought MBC remembered everything. Hmmm...there must be a hole in the universe these days. Maybe Tuey will be able to fill it in; I hear he has many skills!

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