07 July 2008


There's a young, Hispanic man attending the computer classes I'm teaching this month. After our last class, he came to give me back his headphones and then said something to me that I didn't understand. I asked him to repeat himself, and I still didn't understand (oh, MBC and her communication woes at the library), so I just smiled and nodded like I do with Tuey when he tells me earnest, tiny boy stories that I don't understand. I DID understand the next few things the man said and they were as follows:

Computer Patron: So, when do you get off work?

MBC: Oh, not for another hour or so.

Computer Patron: Hmmm. Well, when do you come in to work?

MBC: Oh, it varies.

I'm concerned now that the first thing the man asked was, "Would you like to move to South America with me and be my bride?"

And then I smiled and nodded.

I did once have a library patron at the jail invite me to Jamaica. I don't think we were going to get married, though. I think I was just invited to vacation with him.


Annie M. said...

OH, the joys of being a public servant and having to deal with customers. I once had a transient ask me on a date. I told him I was dating someone, even though I wasn't at the time. Last week a transient came in and brought my coworker a rose and asked her where he could find a woman like her. EW.

Alice said...

oh the simplicity of having this sort of set up for marriage. It just takes all the guesswork out of it all. Please do not listen to anything I just typed. My fingers were highjacked by an older hispanic man. JUST SAY NO...shake your head no! Funny story.

Anonymous said...

This may be the path to true love if you will just open your heart to new experiences.

Amy said...

Paco can show you many things. But Paco will not beg.

MBC said...

Annie--So true. I've become a brilliant evasive answers.

Alice--My co-worker told me my default response when I don't understand should be no. Must practice that. no. no. no.

Eliana--I'm holding out for someone who already knows how to use a computer mouse.

Amy--Bwa ha ha ha! Very good. Very good.

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