07 August 2008


I'm feeling all in love with watching dance lately.

Last week I spied Step Up (Two Dancers. Two Worlds. One Dream.) on a cart in Circulation and decided it had to come home with me, because sometimes you just need to be reassured that dancing bridges the socio-economic divide and that juvenile delinquents will find love, direction, and fulfillment through one really successful hip hop-ballet combination dance.

Then today I discovered that there are full episodes of the TV show Fame on Hulu, so Debbie Allen and I spent some quality time together over my lunch break.

And right now I'm watching a recording of an Othello performance by the San Francisco Ballet. It's excellent, and I'm having a hard time blogging and watching simultaneously, so I'm going to quit blogging now, eat some peanut butter on a spoon, and yell at the dancer playing Desdemona to keep track of that handkerchief.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to watch me some episodes of fame. I love that LeRoy Johnson!

Moo said...

I, personally find myself addicted to dancing shows. I missed the finale of SYTYCD last night, but I taped it. Of course, I'll watch the results before the dances, but it works.

Alice said...

Peanut Butter, yum.................................................................................

Rebekah said...

i'm starvin' like marvin!

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