01 September 2008

In Which I Farm ("Farm"), Part 2

Moo's family is very kind to indulge my need to do farm tasks badly. On Saturday I picked corn. I spent hours and days and weeks and months and years of my childhood picking and snapping green beans. And when I was older, my family picked strawberries and blueberries in the summers. I had never picked corn before, though. Moo's brother, FarmerBoy, drove me out to the field (giving me the option of reaching the corn by climbing a barbed wire fence or jumping a ditch) and showed me how to identify ripe ears and pick the corn and then proceeded to pick corn a billion times faster than I can. I picked about 130 years of corn. He picked a whole lot more than that.


This is what picking corn sounds like when FarmerBoy does it:
whoosh. silence. whoosh. silence.

And this is what picking corn sounds like when MBC does it:

I am not graceful in a corn field.

Moo sent me home with corn and peaches AND her grandma's shoes. Three pairs from the '40s. They are FAN-tastic.

These are my favorites, even though they were designed to bend my feet in ways that nature did not intend.

My brother took some pictures of me wearing the shoes, but I was not smart and had him take them while I was standing on carpet that was close to the color of the shoes, so they didn't turn out well. Trust me, though, they're striking.

I wore the shoes to church with the Marmot Family (the Marmot Babe was blessed today; more on that later). When I got out of the car, Madame 5-yr-old exclaimed, "Oh, Aunt, your shoes are BEAUTIFUL," and Madame 3-yr-old informed me that she has shoes just like mine except that hers are white and decorated with butterflies. I find that claim highly unlikely. All the same, the shoes were a hit.


Moo said...

So glad that you came to pick corn. It was lots of fun. After you left, we did 500 more ears. What was the vegetable for dinner, you ask. Why, corn of course. I'm also glad that the marmots approve of the shoes. Very important. Anyway, thanks for coming to work/play.

Cynthia said...

So intensely jealous that you were able to take more than one step without doubling over in agony in those shoes. I looked at them for 2 1/2 weeks while visiting and couldn't let go. But, I couldn't stand up straight in them either. Congrats. They are exquisite. (Just don't tell Moo's pop when you make a killing on eBay!)

MBC said...

Moo--Thanks for having me!

Cynthia--They are great shoes, and I was doing pretty well in them, until I decided to walk home from church. Bad idea. Next time I'll be keeping the walking in the shoes to a minimum.

eliana23 said...

You can wear the shoes as you perch on the top of the information desk. They are fabulous. I'm impressed by your Farm Experiences...I am kind of afraid of farms.

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