03 September 2008

I Live with Cats

This is one of my roommate's cats. His name is Max. He is the fattest cat I have ever met. He has recently decided to be my best friend. And by best friend, I mean that he follows me around when my roommate's not home and meows at me to (a) pet him (b) open closed doors or (c) give him the food I'm eating. So, basically, he's the worst best friend I've ever had.

I'm hoping that after we've known one another longer, we can get past this needy phase, and he can start helping me solve crimes.


Anonymous said...

That cat is really yucky. I hope it doesn't suffocate you in your sleep.

MBC said...

He's not yucky, but he is very large. My grandma used to say that any cat in the house will take your breath in the night. So far, though, I have never been suffocated by any cat I have ever lived with.

Rebekah said...

that is a beautiful cat, and i used to hate cats so that's saying something. his coat is nice and shiny and he looks so cuddly. good thing he's friendly. those cats that scratch your eyes out really blow.

Marissa said...

I had a roommate that used only love fat cats and would encourage her brothers to feed their cats Crisco. I bet you could make Max fatter if you did the same.

MBC said...

Rebekah--He is a very friendly cat and appreciative of any and all attention he receives.

Marissa--The thought of anyone or anything eating Crisco makes me sick, but I bet Max would eat it if I offered it to him. Or we could fatten up the other cat in the house that way. She's quite slim.

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