12 January 2009

Teaching Cats Skills

The cats in this house are not pulling their weight, and that is why, sometimes, when AJ's not home, the cats and I have special Skill School. Max likes to sit very close to me when I'm on the floor. I was lying face down on the carpet recently, while Max was sitting next to my head, completely unconcerned with my prone position, and I decided Max needed to be taught to fetch help if he found me in this position again because I had collapsed. Max is already great at crying, so he just needs to learn to operate my cell phone or to open the front door and rouse the neighbors. So far, he's very bad at both skills. Sasha may have to be the brains of the operation.

My other task is to teach Max to be a courier. I think he could easily be outfitted with saddlebags and then, for example, if I was in the living room and AJ was in her bedroom, I could tuck a note into Max's saddlebags and send him off to AJ, and then AJ would know that I wanted her to come watch MI-5 and I could stay on the couch eating toast.

Good plans, yeah?


eliana23 said...

I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble, but...

Kirsten said...

More importantly, why did you collapse?

Amy said...

I can't even train my kids to do those things . . .

MBC said...

Eliana - This is like kindergarten when I had the turtle circus plan, isn't it?

Kirsten - This particular time I got tired while exercising.

Amy - Send them to me. The cats and I may have had a breakthrough.

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