30 March 2009

A Marmot Date

My sister and I took the little boys to an art museum today. Tuey is a really great date when checking out an art exhibit. In fact, he's the best date I've ever accompanied to an art museum (except for the part where I have to lift him up to see the art better--that, fortunately, never happens with my grown-up dates). Tuey was entranced by an exhibit of fairy tale pictures displayed next to the models used to create the pictures. He held one of my fingers and led me to each picture, staring with his head thrown back, since the exhibit was not designed for such short viewers. We stood for a loooong time in front of each piece, while Tuey conjectured about the feelings of the subjects in the works. He was especially concerned for the pigs in one diorama. He was fairly certain there was a wolf behind the door and that the wolf would emerge with a "shooter" and hurt the pigs and make them cry. He is my best good boyfriend.

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