13 June 2009

I Recommend DIANE REHM

A friend took me to an event hosted by KUER and featuring Diane Rehm last night. It was a lovely evening (not least because of the chocolate covered raspberries at the post-show reception). I so enjoy Diane Rehm. Doug Fabrizio interviewed her and it was interesting to hear her speak as the interviewee rather than the interviewer, particularly when she discussed her childhood. Throughout the interview (and afterwards when we spoke to her briefly), Diane struck me as such a gracious and idealistic woman ,while remaining very much aware of circumstances in life and the world that are not ideal. I find that extremely admirable. The interview was recorded and will air on KUED next Friday night. Watch it if you get the opportunity. And if you can find yourself some chocolate-covered fruits to eat afterwards, so much the better.


Marcene Perry said...

Is she the one with the funny voice? I really like her show, and her topics, but every time I hear her I get distracted by her voice...

MBC said...

Yes, she has spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological disorder that affects the vocal chords. I've grown accustomed to her voice on the radio, and I don't notice it anymore.

JAMES said...

I used to listen to her show (on NJN, when I worked in Trenton) and became accustomed to her voice...I haven't heard it in a while (not on WNYC) and would likely be shocked to hear her again. I find her to be very empathetic towards her subjects...

Rebekah said...

i have a friend who says she can't stand listening to her because she sounds like she had a stroke. i will pass along this medical information and watch her fall into shame and guilt.

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