01 January 2011

Great Balls of Fire

Steve and I drove to Stonehaven to see the fireballs for New Year's Eve. It's a tradition for the community that dates back to at least 1909 and maybe to pagan times, they say. It was surprisingly warm, so we didn't mind waiting with the crowd and listening to the pipe band and drumming group that were our pre-fireball entertainment. Just after the new year was counted down and everyone shouted and shook hands and kissed, we turned and saw two pipers leading the procession of about 50 people swinging the fireballs. From a distance it looks amazing--just giant lights dancing in the air. The up close view is fairly impressive too, though. We could feel the heat on our faces as the swingers passed. The fireballs are swung for 25 minutes and then the swingers launch them into the harbor and fireworks go off.



pipers leading the fireballs down the street


it's hard to photograph fireballs

this guy stopped to chat, so his fireball is just resting on the ground

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Happy New Year!!!!

Love Mom and Dad


Anonymous said...

As our DI (Drill Instructor) used to say; "Outstanding"! Hope the two of you understand how lucky you are.

Love from Tennessee


Anonymous said...


Cali says:
"I love you"
"Thank you for the gifts"
"Thank you for coming for Christmas"
"My horsey has a cape around his neck which is tied with dental floss and it has paper on his back"

Happy New Year!

Moo said...

Very cool.

ldsjaneite said...

Wow, that is cool.

Courtney said...

Echoing a few previous comments: so cool!

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