21 July 2013


Steve's parents have been visiting for several weeks, which means that, among other things, Steve has helpers to work on the house.  I'm not from a handy family, so I'm extra amazed when Steve and his dad do things like build a wall and move light switches and raise the ceiling above the stairs, all of which they did last week.  Steve just needs to build one more tiny wall this week and then we can have the mudders come and make a huge mess of our house AND THEN I can paint the worst of the downstairs (except for the truck stop bathroom).  The pink living room is really getting me down.

The Bairn is extremely interested in the renovations.  He calls the new office Steve's "housh" and he enjoys examining all of Daddy and Papa's tools.  Here he is watching Steve raise the ceiling above the stairs and jiggering the guest room closet.

The Bairn hates the noise of the drill and nail gun, but he tolerates it okay (no sobbing) if Grammy covers his ears.

But he likes it best when he can get in on the action.  Steve removed two cabinets from the kitchen to install our new (to us) dishwasher.  The Bairn helped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's a great little helper just like his daddy. All he needs is a good pair of hearing protectors, he won't always have Grammie around to cover his ears.


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