19 September 2007

21 Things About Me

Yesterday on my friend Rebekah's blog, I discovered her list of 100 things about herself. The listmaker inside of me gave a little scream of glee, and I KNEW what I would be inflicting on you all today. I'd link you to Rebekah's blog so you could see what a rock star she is, but she works in a volatile field (read: she gets death threats), so her blog's top secret at the moment. So, let's talk about me (not that that's different from every other day on this blog).

1--I love this quote from Horseradish, the new Lemony Snicket book (haven't actually read the book): If you are allergic to a thing, it is best not to put that thing in your mouth, particularly if the thing is cats. Makes me laugh out loud every time I read it.

2--Fall is my favorite season.

3--I don’t like to turn on lights when I’m not going to stay in a room. I’m always bumping into things and banging up my shins because I’m just running into a room to grab something, without turning on the light.

4--Approximately half of my wardrobe was purchased at thrift stores/rummage sales.

5--When I was a little girl, I made my mom tie a rope around my waist and lead me on walks. My sister was embarrassed to be seen with me, because she thought people would think I was a special child the family kept in the basement. (My sister was a teenager and I was marmot aged.)

6--Elbows creep me out.

7--If I’m on a walk and I get to an intersection and cars are coming, I bend down and pretend to tie my shoe so that the cars won’t stop for me. If I'm not wearing shoes with laces, I pretend there's a rock in my shoe.

8--My favorite color is blue.

9--I don’t like waking up to an alarm clock.

10--Babies in snowsuits make me happy.

11--I won a story contest at my public library in the first grade, and the book I wrote and illustrated is still in that library. You can check it out!

12--I love wearing boots.

13--I still have three of my wisdom teeth.

14--I don’t like making phone calls.

15--My favorite poem is Saint Judas by James Wright.

16--I can’t punctuate. In college I used to send my papers to my sister to correct, and she always had less than flattering things to say about my comma usage. Some of us have a guiding, inner punctuation light that doesn’t necessarily conform to standard punctuation rules.

17--I didn’t learn how to use a curling iron until I was in college.

18--When I decided to learn how to make pie, I made a pie every day for a week, including a chess pie that has gone down in history as the “rice pie,” and which I had to pry away from Emily and beg her to stop eating because she’ll eat terrible food just to keep people from feeling bad.

19--I used to work in a jail.

20—When I was a little girl, I quizzed my mom about whether sisters were closer or parents and children were closer, because I wanted to make sure my sister didn’t grow up and have little children that she (my sister) liked better than she liked me.

21--I think little boys should be required to wear uniforms and all babies should wear hats.

Little school boys in the British Museum last fall. They were everywhere! It was fantastic. Look at those knees!


Anonymous said...

I really liked that pie--rice and all.
I'm not doing as much sympathy eating these days, but whenever you need a taste-tester, send out the bat signal.

Anonymous said...

And you only ate white things. I remember how you used to eat lasagne; you would take all the layers apart, scrape off the sauce, and eat the noodles. But you are quite a good eater now. Mom

Marcene Perry said...

I remember when we went shopping for baby gifts for William--I think we bought him like 5 hats! They are so much cuter in hats because it hides their squishy heads :)

Amy said...

Didn't I show you how to use a curling iron?

I'm a great friend. Then again, you let me cut your hair (with dull Russian scissors, no less), so you're a great friend.

MBC said...

MP--And that is why William is turning out so well--hats.

Amy--Yes, you showed me how to use a curling iron. It was a revelation. Changed my life.

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