23 October 2007


Tomorrow my sister and I are having a Grand Day Out (marmot-free), so there will be no posting. Today you get two posts to compensate.

The last week I've had several run-ins with library patrons. Wicked library patrons. Patrons who stand next to No Cell Phone Use signs and argue with me about the rule and patrons who tell me, after I spend fifteen minutes helping them use their email, that they're disappointed because I wasn't really helpful because after I left they couldn't figure out how to hit send. (Nevermind that she didn't ask me for additional help and that if a person can't read the word send and think to click that button if one would like to SEND something, maybe email shouldn't be one's chosen form of communication!) Which is why I feel a certain kinship with the woman in this news article. Not that I condone violence, but sometimes you just want to hammer something. And in my experience with telecommunication companies, they could all do with a little hammering. Also, the title, Woman fined for hammering Comcast office, strikes me as very funny.

P.S. This other article about the hammerer is by Neely Tucker at the Washington Post. Tucker is the author of Love in the Driest Season, a memoir about adoption, that you should read.


Amy said...

MBC, you know how much I sympathize with random acts of violence, but I really think in your case the mere threat could be just as effective. So just buy yourself an oversized hammer and tuck it in your back pocket. When they start giving you lip just start patting it, and that'll teach them to sass you at the library.

On an unrelated note, I need a year's worth of books to suggest to my book club (because no one else likes to read enough to find books of their own). Can you help me??

Amy said...

Okay, I just FAILED the type-in-these-letters-as-you-see-them test. Now I feel dumb.

MBC said...

I'll ask my supervisor if we can use the supply budget to buy me a hammer.

And yes, of course, I'm always happy to boss book clubs. I'll email you a list.

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