15 November 2007

The Third Day of Thanksgiving, Part 1

Today: Gratitude for Brothers

I have two brothers: the James brother and PoliceBrother.

PoliceBrother is seven years older than I am. When I was about 10-years-old we were in Florida visiting our grandma for Christmas. My brother was going through a torn jeans and leather jacket look at the time, which I thought was very mature looking. He took me to the mall with him and I hoped that people would think I was his girlfriend. I felt extremely old and honored to be out with my 17-year-old brother. Especially when he asked my opinion of some black biker boots. I, of course, thought they were divine.

PoliceBrother is a protective kind of brother. When he hears that I've been sad or upset, he offers to come into town and break someone's knees for me. I, of course, never take him up on this offer or want anyone's knees to be broken, but it's still nice to know that someone would at least OFFER to inflict physical damage on my behalf. He'd probably hammer a telecommunications company for me.

My brother and his wife are both very generous. They sent boxes and boxes of clothes their twins had outgrown when my sister's kids were born. When you go to their house, they start rummaging through the refrigerator, looking for something they can feed you. People who are feeders of other people are the BEST. It shows they're the nice, nurturing kind of people, not the living in fortresses made of smuggled rubies and running over puppies with their recreational vehicles kind of people.

AND my brother is a good storyteller. There's a story about the prisoners and the chocolate cake. I never tell it to people, because I can't do it justice. You have to hear my brother tell it. So. Funny.


Rebekah said...

Um, so for the past two nights I have made massive amounts of food for the ladies of our ward. Tuesday I made homemade macaroni and cheese, and last night I made a full roasted turkey, pan gravy, and mashed red potatoes. Ask Alice about it. You only have a short amount of time left to bond with me.

MBC said...

Stop doing delicious things on nights when I'm busy.

Anonymous said...

just for the record I would hammer a telecommunications company if needs be, but I would probably have to a take a couple days off to do it. They have a lot of employees. Also you a nice girl.

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