05 May 2008

Soup = Sad

Every now and then I can't find anything I want to eat in my kitchen. The kitchen may be full of food, but food like frozen raw ground beef and canned tomatoes and bran flour--nothing I can eat immediately, which is when I want the food to be available. At these times, I turn to the cans of soup in the back of the cupboard.

I like soup. Soup is delicious. When I reach for the canned soup, it always seems like a good idea. The picture on the label is so enticing, and I get especially excited when I'm opening a can of Italian wedding soup. It sounds romantic, right? It's wedding soup. Yeah, no. It's the least romantic food in the world, because canned soup doesn't taste like food. It doesn't count as actual soup. Oddly enough, it tastes both bland and overly salty simultaneously. And everything in canned soup--vegetables, meat, rice--is the same texture. That's so strange and wrong.

When I was a child, I liked canned soup. This is because little children are not smart in the food arena. Given a choice, they will eat entire cubes of plain butter. Once I saw a spaghetti-o can (close cousin to soup) with a label that announced Now Tastes Better to Kids! (or something like that). I think this meant that the spaghetti-os sauce now tasted more like ketchup, which makes sense. Kids love ketchup. I personally spent some happy times sitting in the backseat of the family car drinking ketchup out of the little packets from fast food restaurants.

I went the canned soup route yesterday. Couldn't make it through the entire bowl. Have to go make actual food, so that I'm never tempted by the unromantic Italian wedding soup ever again.


JAMES said...

bleeech, you ate what in the back of the family car...?

Courtney said...

I totally understand what you are saying. I went the route of canned soup the other day and ended up dumping most of it down the sink.

Have you tried Campbell's Select Gold Label? The Tomato Parmesan Bisque is very good.

MBC said...

James--I liked it! And I was very small, probably M's age. It's no worse than licking the ketchup off french fries and then re-dipping them, the pastime of many a small child.

Yankee Girl--I haven't, but I will. For some reason, tomato soups do tend to fair better in cans than other soups. And I do like having canned soup as part of my food storage.

ldsjaneite said...

Hmm, I still like drinking ketchup out of the packets. Probably because I'm addicted to salt. :-)

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