14 May 2008

What I Like Today

Number 1
I'm still thinking about this book that I finished reading last week. I'm a sucker for this kind of thing. It's a collection of interviews with staff from the Met--trustees, curators, cleaning crew, security, the guy who provides flowers for the Great Hall--a wide variety of people. I was fascinated by the diversity of experiences, the different paths people took to end up at the Met, and the hugely varied responsibilities of the people interviewed. Most of the interviews also included a little bit of life-affirming Yay Met! Museums are Important!, which I agree with. My brother worked at the Met for a while, and it was NOT his favorite job (but it got me some pretty sweet Met-themed Christmas gifts). This book still makes me want to join the staff, though.

Number 2
I'd forgotten about this poem, but I stumbled across it again recently and remembered how much I like it.


these daughters are bone,
they break.
He wanted stone girls
and boys with branches for arms
that He could lift His life with
and be lifted by.
these sons are bone.

He is tired of years that keep turning into age
and flesh that keeps widening.
He is tired of waiting for His teeth to
bite Him and walk away.

He is tired of bone,
it breaks.
He is tired of eve's fancy and
adam's whining ways.

-Lucille Clifton

Number 3
IKEA Meatballs
I watched the marmots yesterday while my sister and brother-in-law went to IKEA, and my sister brought me back a bag of Swedish meatballs. I can't logically justify the joy that comes from a bag of frozen meatballs made in Pennsylvania, but they are yummy. Those Swedes. They never let you down.


Rebekah said...

remco! remco does the flowers for the great hall! i love him, i love him, i love him!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to read the book! The smell of those meatballs, or something else, at IKEA is nauseating. I am glad that they taste better.

Amy said...

That book sounds great.

I've never eaten anything from IKEA since my kids tried their pasta with "marinara" sauce. I think it was ketchup.

Rebekah said...

or, it's chris giftos (sp?). i think that's his last name. he was the flower man before remco. don't ask why i know this. ok, ask. i was bored one night and was watching videos on michael george's site and remco was on there...yadda, yadda, yadda...you stalk one profession, i stalk florists.

MBC said...

Eliana--I bet it's the fish products that smell bad. Meatballs are sent to IKEA straight from heaven.

Amy--Can't vouch for IKEA's pasta, but I like the meatballs AND their desserts and I've recently heard that their giant crackers are good.

Rebekah--I don't remember his name, but he's about our age and he's from somewhere in Scandinavia (I bet he likes IKEA meatballs). And I would never disparage your preferred stalking activities.

Rebekah said...

it's remco. he's a hottie. he's dutch. love him.

also, go to this website. i think you will like it: http://www.brandtags.net/index.php

i've played for a long time now. write a blog post about it.

JAMES said...

I sure didn't like working at that place. I don't know who did the flowers, but I remember seeing him during my tenure and he wasn't "of the people", if you know what I mean.

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