03 October 2008

The Vocal Stylings of Cookie Monster

My brother has a Sesame Street record that we listened to while I was in New York. My favorite song was "If I Knew You Were Coming, I'd Have Baked a Cake" performed by Cookie Monster with background vocals by the Count. Because it's sung by Cookie Monster, the lyrics are actually "If me'd have known you were coming, me'd have baked a cake." It's kind of annoying, but I understand. Cookie Monster talks like a child. We have a sound recording of me talking to my mom when I was about 2-years-old. Mom is baking cookies and she asks me if I want one. I respond, "Me. Eat a tookie."

I can't find the cake song online, BUT Rebekah found my second favorite song from the album, "Up and Down." (The song starts around 0:46.) Interesting to note that in "Up and Down," Cookie Monster uses the words I and my. Wise decision, Sesame Street Workshop.


Rebekah said...

oh, what i wouldn't give to hear that recording of little mbc!

MBC said...

It's a great recording. It also includes my brother singing the Star Wars theme song for about a million years.

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