05 March 2009

All's Well That Ends Well

Over the weekend AJ made delightful Symphony Bar brownies (a recipe another co-worker introduced us to) for game night at our neighbors' house. The brownies were delicious and they did not all get eaten at game night and I thought happy thoughts about them on Sunday and ate a couple, secure in the knowledge that they would be filling me with joy for several days. Monday night I came home from work and something was different. Something. was wrong. The brownies were gone. AJ works later than I do on Mondays, but when she got home, the mystery was solved. She had given the brownies to her nephews. She explained this to me while handing me a bag of Cadbury mini eggs to fill the hole that the missing brownies left in my heart, though, so all is well. I do love a Cadbury mini egg.


Cynthia said...

Cadbury mini egg brownies? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

I see that you just read 6 Word MEmoirs which I read about elsewhere. Worth my time? As good as a symphony brownie? Who are we kidding...only rare books compete with brownies.

MBC said...

Cynthia--Oooh, good thinking!

Eliana--It's a mixed bag. Some of them are great, some are fairly crude, and there's a lot of repetition of thought (I guess there are really only so many love/heartbreak stories). Since each memoir is only 6 words, though, it takes about 20 minutes to read. I read it all while on the stairstepper at the gym yesterday.

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