19 March 2009

The Illness Dilemma

I'm sick. This is a problem for all the normal reasons--it feels like there's a little gnome with a pick axe in my ear, I think really slowly, and any activity other than sitting on the couch watching reruns of The Office is a strain. But I have this job, see? And I'm always conflicted about what to do about work when I'm sick. I usually have to be on the reference desk for at least a couple of hours every day and most weeks I have meetings to attend or events to host, so I can't stay home without inconveniencing co-workers. But if I come to work sick, I'll infect other people and that's inconvenient for them, too. Fortunately, yesterday I only had to work long enough to attend a meeting stating my preference that administration remain unaware of the filth and smut I buy for the teen collection. I'm the weekend supervisor, though, so I have two more days of work this week. What to do, what to do?


Kirsten said...

It is always a conundrum. It is that inconvenient sense of responsibility coming through. I had the same problem when I worked and have the same problem with class. I don't want to inconvenience others, but don't want to get them sick either. I always comfort myself by remembering the times when I curse colleagues or fellow classmates for coming out amongst the living and sharing their germs. Then I feel better about staying home, but only after 37 minutes of going back and forth about staying home or going out.

Kirsten said...

oops, I forgot to say feel better soon and I am sorry you are sick.

Breanne said...

I know exactly how you feel. But I always feel like I'll be happy to cover for people for YEARS to help make up for all of my illnesses this last winter. So get better!

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