13 April 2009

Each Marmot Child

Madame E(6)
My sister and E(6) had this conversation yesterday (in response to E(6) trying to get someone to agree that she knows more than her sister).

Sister: When sisters are small and still in school, usually the older sister knows more, but when sisters are grown-up they each know more about some subjects. Like, what do you think Aunt knows more about than Mommy? The library, maybe?

E(6): Yes. And what children like.

Oh, Madame, you got some points on that one.

Madame M(4) and Tuey
Yesterday I was in the bathroom at the Marmot House. I locked the door. M(4) and Tuey wanted some quality time, so they stood outside and pounded on the door.

M(4): Aunt! Aunt! It's Octopus with Eight Tiny Legs!

Tuey: Aunt! It. is. Oct.o.pus with. Tiny LEGS!

They were very persistent but did not manage to break in.

When E(6) was very small, she used to join me in the bathroom and sit next to me on a stool, patting me on the knee and telling me that I was doing a good job. I do not miss those times together.

Marmot Babe
Marmot Babe's face is square. I just noticed recently.

And he walks.

And possibly he's working on picking up some martial arts skills. Which he could use, considering where he lives.


JAMES said...

he looks like a fire plug!

Annie M. said...

Oh my goodness, those kids are so funny. And how old is the mini-marmot?? Isn't he only like 9-months-old- and he's walking?? Your poor, poor, sister.

eliana23 said...

We still have special bathroom sharing time at our house. And now Cole goes to check on his father, then comes back to tell me how things are going in there. Talk about too much information.

CSIowa said...

"I do not miss those times together." That was the laugh-out-loud line for me, the one that made everyone wonder what I was reading at breakfast this morning. I had to break the "No potty-talk at the table" rule.

MBC said...

James--That's a perfect description of him.

Annie--He just turned 10 months, but he's been walking for 3-4 weeks.

Eliana--Yeah, I'm glad my roommate and I have no desire to discuss such things with one another.

CSIowa--Glad you liked it!

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