07 June 2012

The Giving of Gifts

Steve and I have a difference of opinion about gifts.

Last week when Steve was wondering aloud what he should get me for my birthday, I wrote up the following list of gifts he could feel free to offer me at any time.
  • theater tickets or dinner out and babysitting arrangements
  • the new Dar Williams CD
  • a cake stand
  • a mop--and then sweep/dust/mop all the floors all month
  • a couple of new spiral-bound notebooks
  • a magazine subscription
  • a selection of fancy groceries to make salads
  • a sewing mat
  • take The Bairn on a long walk so I can read/do yoga; bring back a delicious food snack 
I knew when I made the list there was no way he would actually give me the groceries or the notebooks or the mop, but they are all things I want for my own pleasure and, consequently, good gifts.

When Steve presented me with my gift, he noted that he had not purchased a mop because felt that that would pretty much be the most oppressive gift possible to give a stay-at-home mother (and Steve worries a lot about my level of oppression).

Too bad.  I need a mop.

In addition to giving me a gift, Steve made this German chocolate cake (my b-day cake of choice) for my birthday, which took, no word of a lie, FIVE hours to make.  Steve researched and the Internet promises that it is the best German chocolate cake going.  It is very good.  I like to eat it straight off my new cake stand with a fork while Steve's at work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get Howie to get his Grammie to buy you a Velida mop. She swears (not at it like the previous one) by it.


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