23 September 2012

The Bairn Recommends BabyLit

My brother and sister-in-law gave The Bairn a BabyLit book, one of a new series of baby titles based on classic literature.  The Bairn owns Dracula and it's a counting book.  The 9 "boxes" are actually coffins, which is kind of creepy, but otherwise we love it.  The BabyLit site advertises the books as a way to introduce your baby to literature, which I think is silly (along the lines of flashcards for babies), but the books are cool.  The art is super hip and the whole concept is clever and different than the usual board book offerings.

The Bairn is a fan.


Marissa said...

I love the BabyLit books. They're a little pretentious but so much fun. I've been getting them for some of my friends and fam lately. Jane Eyre is not my fav - although it's not my Adult Lit book either. Where did you get the Dracula one?

MBC said...

I think my brother got the Dracula for us in a bookstore here in Nova Scotia. Not sure!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Adams is a friend of mine. Her mother was my boss at the Humanities Publications Center at BYU (Linda Hunter Adams). It's fun to see that this project of hers has gotten some traction in the marketplace. --MarmDad

MBC said...

I saw that the publisher was in Utah. They're good books!

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