02 July 2013

The Goings On

Yesterday was Canada Day.  We loaded up The Bairn and took him to the parade in Pugwash.  I took out the camera to take a darling picture of him waving his Canadian flags and wearing his Canadian romper only to find that the camera was dead.  So I also did not take a picture of him screaming his face off when the emergency vehicles at the beginning of the parade turned on their sirens.  I should have anticipated that reaction, since I have to take him upstairs when Steve makes smoothies in the blender.  He does not like the loud noises.  He was way into the tractors and the horses, though, so he decided to retain his Canadian citizenship.

We bought sausages and fudge at the farmers' market for lunch and then felt that Canada was sufficiently fêted, since it looked like rain.

This morning I called the doctor's office and the receptionist very gladly read my ultrasound report to me.  The ultrasound says that New Baby is a girl, just like I ordered.

This is pretty much the only baby bump picture I have of myself (24 weeks).

Steve's dad took the picture when we went up to the falls in Economy after church on Sunday.  He also took some photos that indicate that no one should be taking pictures of me while pregnant.

These are the falls.

Pretty, no?

1 comment:

eliana23 said...

A little Canadian girl baby. Perfect. Lovely falls.

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