27 April 2014

And Then We Drove Home

Driving at night worked really well for our kids, so we did it again on the way home from Tennessee.  We weren't quite up for another drive straight through New York City, though, so we stopped in Massachusetts at my sister's friend Heidi's house.  Heidi has three kids at home--Sophie, Will, and Jared or, as The Bairn calls them, Sophie, Will, and The Other Will.  Steve did his daytime sleeping thing again, Ellen and I took a nap, and The Bairn skipped his nap in order to try his hand at catching turtles and frogs in the lake/pond.  In the evening we had dinner and then some Hindu Bhutanese refugees being helped by Heidi's father's Baptist minister friend came and performed a ceremony involving rice and flowers and such being placed in that same lake/pond on the property.  It was a good time.

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