03 November 2014

The First Halloween

The Bairn was a puppy for Halloween. It was the first year we celebrated the holiday with him.

Ellen has a weird relationship with his costume.

I didn't dress Ellen up, but I did stuff her sweet feet in the pumpkin slippers when we went to town that day and when we went out trick-or-treating.

Just before we were heading out the door in the evening, The Bairn asked me what I was going to be for Halloween.  Um, well . . .   He decided that I should be a kitty, so I blacked my nose with mascara and we headed out.  We visited the two neighbours we know well and then headed down the street behind us.  The Bairn was most interested in inspecting all of the Halloween decorations and in a dog dressed as a bumble bee (he was very concerned about the dog's flight abilities).

When we got home, Ellen carried around one of the many, many bags of cheese puffs we collected; The Bairn ate one of the granola bars ("fenilla bars") he received; and Steve handed out candy to the four children who made their way to the door.

It was a good first Halloween for The Bairn.

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