I'm 28 weeks (plus 4!) pregnant today. I was trying to explain to Steve what it feels like to be in one's third trimester with a baby that likes to sit low. Imagine you drank a bowling ball, I began. But he couldn't get past the fact that you can't DRINK a solid.
I spent a lot of time looking through our parent resource center's giveaway area for long-sleeved pregnancy tops several months ago. I've never been pregnant deep into winter before, and I imagined my poor, round self in a freezing Canadian snowbank and rejoiced when I found a few winter tops. I forgot. I forgot that third trimester feels like living inside the sun. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt and capri pants today. I looked for my flip flops this morning, but they must be packed away with the summer clothes. I feel like I'm even warmer than normal, because Steve takes his responsibility to keep the house warm very, very seriously and is always offering to throw another log in the furnace until I'm begging him to, please, PLEASE stop heating the house. Also, both kids are sick and when The Bairn runs a fever, as he is today, he must wrap himself around my arm and plant his hot face into me and Ellen must drape herself across me (while yelling at The Bairn to stop hogging me) like the tiny electric blanket that she is.
Of course you would have to drink the bowling ball. You could hardly chew it up and eat it.
No, because it has to be in your bladder WHOLE.
I remember... Last year I was at 34 weeks right now. And he was sooooo low. And I was sooooo warm... (first winter of my life not freezing or having cold hands - it was actually rather pleasant. But only that part). The bowling ball analogy is pretty accurate.
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