20 October 2016

Three Years Old

Ellen's birthday was yesterday.  She's three.  She's screamy.  She's worried about sock fuzz.  She loves to swing.  She insists on holding my hand to walk up or down the stairs.  She calls herself Superkitty.  She likes to jump.  If we ride in an elevator, it's her favorite part of the day.  She's grateful for trees ('they sway').

We went to a corn maze/fun farm for her birthday.  It was cold and she was scared of all the bouncy pillows and play structures when she saw them up close.  She did agree to look at the animals in the petting zoo.

And she asked to take her picture in this pumpkin sizer.

She's still not quite potty-trained.

She requested a kitty cake and a tree cake.  Cake decorating is not one of my skills.

Natey ate green beans instead of cake.

This is from today but it shows pretty well how E feels about her brother.

We love our little E.


Anonymous said...

We love her too, Papa had a great time at the corn maze.

eliana23 said...

Nearly every three year old blonde girl child I have ever known has been in this weird kitty phase. I did not realize until just now.

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