10 February 2008

Five MORE Things About Me

Chou tagged me to write five things about myself. As I've demonstrated frequently, I don't mind talking about myself at all, so here goes.

1. I like to take the "secret slow way" when I drive. I think my sister coined this term. It means to take a back way that's not actually a shortcut. Taking the secret slow way is never faster than the direct route. I'd rather add 5-10 minutes to my route than drive on major roads.

2. I love the author bios in the back of books. I usually read them before I begin a book. If I don't, part way through the book I end up frantically leafing to the back to find out who came up with this and to determine if we would be friends.

3. I feel awkward on the phone. If I'm calling someone (even if I'm returning a call), I always (unless it's my mom) feel like I'm interrupting. You're probably thinking, erroneously, that if someone really doesn't want to talk, s/he won't answer the phone. I had to call someone to give him the address of a party once. I barely knew him, so there's no way he had my phone number in his phone. I call, I tell him I have the address, I start to give it to him. He stops me and says, "Could you call back in about an hour? I'm operating heavy machinery right now." Yeah. He was on a forklift. Why answer the phone? He didn't recognize the number, he couldn't really talk anyway, why not just let me leave a message? Why? Why?

4. I skip ahead in books. If I think something bad might happen or the plot becomes too intense, I skim the end of the book so that I know what's going to happen and can emotionally prepare myself. I even did this with the last Harry Potter book.

5. I dislike chain restaurants, and I love independent restaurants. I don't want food to taste the same and restaurant decor to be the same no matter where I go, and I'd rather support people who live in my state or in the community I'm visiting than a giant corporation. The single librarian posse went to a hip, independent place called Pizzeria 712 this weekend. The food was delicious (I had gouda, potato, rosemary pizza; a sweet potato, bacon, spinach, walnut, something or other dish; and panna cotta with berries), the restaurant uses sustainably produced foods when possible, and the prices were reasonable. I'm a big fan of all three of those things. If you live in Utah, go try it.

I'm supposed to tag five more people to write about themselves, but about half my blogging friends have recently been tagged to write variations of this tag and I suspect the other half of being too recalcitrant to comply if I chose them, so if you feel like writing about yourself, consider yourself tagged. Am I bad at this game? I think I am.


Courtney said...

First, I hate (which may be different than your feeling awkward) talking on the phone too. My feelings on this stem from the inability to really be able to tell if the other person wants to be on the phone with you.

Second, I can't believe you skim ahead.

And Third, I am so jealous. I have been wanting to try Pizzeria 712 for over a month now and I didn't even know how they try to use sustainably produced foods. Also I loved looking at their blog so thanks for the link.

Chou said...

You know, I was hesitant to tag people because it reminds me too much of chain letters. Which I hate. Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

For a laugh, skip to the last page of "Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians".

To the dismay of many of my friends, I ALWAYS read the end of the book before I get too involved in the beginning and middle.

Anonymous said...

I share your phone phobia and had an experience to your forklift call:

The other day I was calling a coworker on his Blackberry to ask him a quick question, and he said he couldn't talk much because he was in the dentist's chair! I'm glad he answered, because I got my info, but I would have understood if he chose not to pick up.

MBC said...

Skimming ahead is an important reading skill. BEFORE I became a skimmer, I was often disappointed at the end of a book. For example, the first time I read Christy I couldn't believe how the romance ended, but after I read it again, KNOWING what was coming, I loved it. And I usually just check to make sure everyone's still alive.

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