17 February 2011

I'd Rather Star in a Light-Hearted Comedy

They are going to have to make one of those Taking Back the Neighborhood films about me because I have spent all. week. long. fighting the fight against the many forces in my neighborhood trying to ruin my life.  First it was my showdown with the school girls smoking in my stair tower during their lunch break.  Steve says he's never seen me behave so firmly toward members of the public before, but that is because he never knew me when I was a practicing librarian and had to lay down the law all the time.  So, anyway, I kicked some girls out of our building and contacted the police (which is why it will have to be a Taking Back the Neighborhood film and not a Changing the Lives of Wayward Young People film).  THEN I called ASBO and reported our neighbor and his noisy ways.  Then, speak of the devil, we arrived home that night to find that our security door was broken--there was no power to the door.  We were unsuccessfully trying to enter from outside and our neighbor was unsuccessfully trying to exit from inside.  Together, with Jerkface's friends, we managed to kick the door open before calling to report the problem to our factors.  But of course the factor didn't get back to us, so I have just called and demanded action.  Because I'm taking back the neighborhood.

I wonder who should play me in the movie.


Anonymous said...

You'll need the type who can portray the soft and yet steely sides of your character. The mess with me and somebody will get hurt and it's not me side vs the soft nice girl next door who everybody loves. I recommend Charlize Theron or Meg Ryan. If you want to a little more insanity how about Molly Ringwald or Winona Ryder. The berserker, Signory Weaver a la Alien 1, 2, 3 although she's getting a little old.


eliana23 said...

Charlize is a good bet for this one. You are making me think less highly of the people of Scotland.

Breanne said...

I think Drew Barrymore could do a good you.

Courtney said...

I was thinking Hillary Swank (except she is far older than you are).

MBC said...

Oooh, thanks for the suggestions!

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